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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Woman smiling standing in front of a lake

Spinal Fusion Works Wonders for Mom of Three

As a working mom of three, Amanda was always on the move—until every move was almost impossible.

Her back pain was worsening every day, turning simple chores into time-consuming tasks. She could barely walk down the stairs, get in a car, or climb out of bed. The pain started as a dull throb in her lower back and progressed to a constant sharp shooting pain down both legs. Her feet went numb, and the pain once caused her to pass out. She tried physical therapy, therapeutic massages, acupuncture, stretching, and even cognitive therapy to learn how to cope with the pain. But nothing provided long-term relief. 

Going the extra mile for the best

After years of chronic back pain, she decided to seek out a specialist in Pittsburgh, even though it was two hours away from her home. She found Alexander Yu, MD, a neurosurgeon at AHN. Dr. Yu used a diagnostic discogram to help pinpoint the location of her herniated discs and suggested minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery. Amanda was at the point where she was willing to try just about anything, so she immediately scheduled the surgery. She woke up almost pain-free and went home two days later feeling much better, knowing that she had made the right decision. 

Returning to normal feels so good

With three kids and a job that has her on her feet for hours at a time, she knew that finding long-term pain relief was an absolute must. After surgery, she had physical therapy for a few weeks, and a few follow-up appointments with Dr. Yu, who is very pleased with her progress. She worked her way up to walking six miles a day within a few months. Now, she’s back on her feet — and back in control. 

Pioneering pain relief right here

Everyone cringes at the thought of back surgery. But sometimes, other treatments aren't as effective and surgery is the only option for long-term pain relief. AHN is pioneering some of the latest, most advanced, least invasive surgical procedures to provide relief for sufferers of degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, herniated discs, and more.

The experts at the AHN Neuroscience Institute can help you or your loved one get control back, too. Call (724) 228-1414 or request an appointment to learn more about AHN spine care.