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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Two women wearing masks walking in the park.

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Your gifts will advance pioneering research, compassionate care, and breakthrough treatments that improve health and promote wellness in our communities.

A man and woman laughing together.

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Your donations touch the lives of thousands of people in your own community, but sometimes it helps to put a face to those statistics. Take a moment to meet just a few of the people who have been helped by the generosity of people like you. 

An illustration of a spyglass.

Help advance innovative research

Your contribution supports critical medical research and programs which help improve the well-being of thousands of people in the region.

Robotic surgery tools hanging down from the machine and hovering over the surgery table by a couple of inches.

Advance health care near you

We’re committed to bringing high-quality care to every community in the region. Your donations help fund the programs, research and facilities that change lives for the better, one at a time.

A man in a wheelchair hugging his support dog in a park.

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Your gift helps AHN further its mission and development of programs and services aimed to provide compassionate care, innovative new treatments and pioneering research. Together we can touch and transform numerous lives in our community.

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